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Non-profit art spaces open on Samui

Non-profit art spaces open on Samui

Provided by Nation.

Exhibitions by two Americans and a Thai aim to draw visitors to the island and establish Samui as a cultural hub

House of Lucie Samui and Samui Art Centre are marking their debut in Thailand with exhibitions by three artists to promote tourism on the resort island in Surat Thani province.

The non-profit art spaces opened their doors in early February, aiming to support artists to showcase their works without limitation on nationality, and allow local residents to easily access artworks. Admission to the exhibitions is free.

American photographers, Steve McCurry and James Nachtwey, and Thai visionary printmaker Kitikong Tilokwattanotai are all showing their work until April 25.

McCurry’s exhibition named “Islands” highlights images of the lifestyle of islanders around the world. Nachtwey’s exhibition features images taken during the Vietnam War and the African Americans’ civil rights movement.

Kitikong, a Lampang native, invites viewers to engage with abstract beauty through his works.

Apart from exhibitions, House of Lucie Samui and Samui Art Centre also host talks and workshops to inspire and nurture a love of art among Thai and foreign visitors.

House of Lucie founder Hossein Farmani said the art spaces have been established to enhance creativity among visitors, allow artists to showcase their works, and boost Samui Island’s image as a hub of culture and art.

Co-founder Apple Farmani said House of Lucie Samui is considered the first art centre in Thailand and the seventh centre globally, following Greece, Hungary, Iran, Italy, Norway and France.



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