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Julapun has issues with Council of State draft on Entertainment Complex Act

Julapun has issues with Council of State draft on Entertainment Complex Act

Provided by Nation.

Says THB50-million deposit requirement for casino entry defeats government objective

Deputy Finance Minister Julapun Amornvivat said on Thursday (February 20) that the Council of State’s draft of the Entertainment Complex Act, proposing that individuals must have a deposit of at least 50 million baht for six consecutive months to gain entry into a casino, requires further discussion.

Julapun stated that this principle differs from the government's approach. Beyond stimulating the economy and attracting foreign investment, a key objective of the Entertainment Complex project is to address illegal gambling, he said.

 “Setting the threshold at 50 million baht would effectively exclude most individuals, as only around 10,000 accounts in Thailand hold such deposits,” Julapun said.

Instead of integrating these gamblers into a regulated system, the policy could push them further into cross-border casinos and illegal gambling. This fundamental difference in approach requires further discussion, he added.

 Regarding the appropriate criteria, Julapun said that no conclusion had been reached as discussions are still ongoing. The matter must first be reviewed with the Council of State before being presented to the Cabinet and Parliament for consideration. The final decision rests with the legislature. 

He said he could not provide a definitive timeline as to when it would be submitted to the Cabinet because it depends on the Council of State’s review.



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